The soppiest of dogs! Lollipops.
1.98 miles (3.18km), with a break near the end to check on the opossum, who is still not there, although I thought I heard rustling, so maybe she has survived. Strange how different each day's running is. Yesterday was a cinch, today was struggle from beginning to end!
The wind was cold and little clouds raced across the sky, crisp white hurrying clouds. Admiring the wide blue sky after all the grey rain of yesterday, I suddenly found myself rapidly plunging towards the ground, where I landed on my knees and then my hands, the momentum taking me right down until my whole body was lying surrendered to the grass. (It is always better to fall with no one watching, so that you don't have to leap up laughing and pretend nothing has happened, even though blood is streaming down your knees and the palms of your hands are on fire.)
I had hardly any sleep last night, and so this afternoon at about 4.45, I thought I would have a little nap until I had to fetch Matthew from school (he sailed in a regatta in Maine) at about 6.30, or so I thought. I was on my way upstairs to my bed, when I spotted the little couch in sunshine and felt compelled to enter its warm embrace. Next minute the phone was ringing and I leapt up in that disoriented state, when you have been floating in dreamland and reality suddenly slaps you in the face. Still in a trance, I tried to locate a phone in the map of my house in my head, eventually remembering one in the closest room to the aforementioned couch. I picked it up. A voice said, "We're just coming past Liberty Tree, we'll be there in 15 minutes." The words swam around my brain for a bit and I almost asked, "Which one are you again?" And then slowly the voice and the words came into focus and I knew I would have to drag my tired self out to the car and drive to school to fetch Matthew, who was an hour early.
My self-portrait is a photograph of two large noses, my beloved dog and her beloved owner. (Both photographs taken from the aforementioned couch, which has a lot to answer for today.)
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