My old man and the sea.
This evening we went to a party for the Senior class (the boys' last year) arranged by their class adviser. It was a potluck dinner, and I had offered to bring chips and dips, which takes the least effort, because I was at school today and knew I wouldn't have time to do anything else (plus I am lazy, especially anything to do with cooking!). But chips and dips, you can't just take the packets, which is what the boys did, you should have a special plate which has a little bowl-affair in the middle for the dip, then you need to artfully arrange the chips all around this aforementioned bowl. There were several of these on the tables, which put me to shame (well, not really). So I came home with 5 unopened chip packets and three unopened dip tubs, which was all I bought, so we have lots for the weekend visitors! Yay!
We went to the beach afterwards for Tim to take long-exposure images, which is what he is doing in this picture. It has been hot hot hot all day, 94F (34.5C) with humidity, which generally I love, because I can always swim, but today I had to work, had to sit in steamy meetings, especially this afternoon, where we all had to watch the video of How to Use an Epipen, (on yourself), and How to Use an Epipen (on someone else), for the umpteenth time. Good grief.
This is a drawing I did of the nurse who gave the course. She is a very small person with huge eyes and small claw-like hands, with which she gestures a lot when talking. It reminds me of an Egon Schiele drawing.
Tim wouldn't let me swim in my bra and knickers, so I sat and watched the waves, and read my book, and watched the waves again. And it was pleasantly cool there, compared to the heat just a smidgeon inland. Later our friend came walking along the beach and she was quite game to join me but Tim said there were too many people and that he would have to go down the beach and not look, as she showed us that her bra was rather see-through! So we made a date to swim in our actual swimsuits another day, and came home, where all the animals were waiting with empty tummies and hot tongues hanging out. The little piggie now has her swimming pool, Lily is lying in her flattened state, even though she eats like a horse (do horses eat a lot?), on the kitchen tiles under the fan, and Molly has a nice full tummy and is lying under the table, also on the cool tiles.
This morning I got up early and ran my 5 km! In 43 minutes! Which is 8.35 seconds per km, not that good! Anyway, all I am trying to do it maintain a good pace, not win anything, not gallop along, just maintain my pace and finish the course. Which will be a feat, an accomplishment. I began running almost a year ago, 60 steps running, 20 steps walking.
Reciprocal photography. Tim took a photograph of me too.
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