Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 234

Angelina and her daddy.

This little girl continues to charm and enchant, as she grows, with her twinkling eyes and her engaging gaze.  She is the sweetest happiest little nearly eight-month-old ever! 

Tim took the most beautiful pictures of her in her white christening dress, (this is my photograph, taken with my little point&shoot) while she sat on the couch like a little model princess, working the crowd, jitterbugging with the top half of her body to her own personal music as babies do, singing her little song-like utterances, and generally having the four adoring adults in attendance in stitches of laughter.

Later she fell asleep in my arms, while I was stroking her head, her soft hair in tight tight curls, so trusting, these little creatures!  Her dad is very funny.  When her mom took her away to bed, I mentioned that where she had been lying on me had been so warm, and now it was a little cold absence in my arms.  He said, "Yes, I'm looking forward to winter, I'm going to warm my feet on her."

So today I ran for 30 minutes, according to the website I consulted about training for a 5km run.  They say you should do different times, not worry about distance so much as trying to run faster.  I ran 3.94 km in that time, which is 7 min 30 secs per km.  Not bad, but it was not 5km, so I don't think it really counts, as that last km really gets me.

It was lovely though, my gentle meadow welcomed me back, so much kinder on the legs than the hard asphalt road, and greenery to look at, a soft drizzling rain for part of the way, and a small brown bird which rushed across my path and then took off, looking for all the world like a mouse had suddenly taken flight!

Tonight a picture of Angelina, my hand caressing her, my old wrinkly hand juxtaposed against her young soft sleeping face.

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