Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 306

Sunrise in the leaves.

She runs before school.  First it is hard, then easy.  She glances at the scenery going past her and feels as though she is going quite fast.  The black dog runs behind her the whole way, except for Babbling Brook Hill.  Their breath puffs visibly out on to the frigid air.  The branches are nearly bare, all the trees have taken off their finery and stand nearly naked in the cold.  She hopes it is chilly enough for the ticks to have gone into suspended animation.

She runs 5.14 km, at a pace of 7.23 minutes per km.  She thinks she should maybe increase the distance she runs each day, as 5 km seems to be her comfort zone now, whereas 3 or 3.5km was her comfort distance before.  Or increase the speed.

School is lovely.  The 8th grade are carving block prints of faces, and she thinks they will look so beautiful when they are printed.  It is a class which has always worked hard, a class which takes art so seriously, and enjoys the challenge of new media, new ideas, a dream class.  She thinks the second half of her year which will be with the 9th grade instead, will probably be much more fraught, although she wants to do a movable mural with them on the theme of biodiversity, which should work well as there are some excellent artists within the group, it might just be a matter of great motivation for them.

In the evening she watches the results of the election out of the corner of her eye, with the sound off, occasionally putting it on until the speaker bores her to death.  She is happy that Patrick will get another few years as governor of Massachusetts, because she thinks he is a good guy as far as politicians go. 

However, in general, she finds the whole system utterly crazy, with $3 billion having been spent on campaigns during this mid-term election!  Why don't they pour that money into the economy and help it along instead?

Like the young men who play sport and earn gigantic sums of money doing it.  What warrants such salaries? And why don't young sportswomen have the same drawing power?   Wayne Rooney, another famous sportsman who can't "keep his pecker in his pants", of Manchester United in England, has just been given a contract which will pay him 200 000 pounds a week!  While she thinks it is wonderful that possessing a ball-kicking skill can bring a poverty-stricken boy good fortune, this is just ridiculous.  Why would anyone need such an amount of money every week?  And to hire prostitutes when your wife is pregnant is just gross and sordid.  Truly the way the world works is extremely strange.

Demonstrating the proportions of a human face, she drew a girl in one of her classes today.

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