Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 74

A bit of sunshine upstairs, as respite from all the rain we have had, the worst rainstorm in 50 years apparently, a state of emergency in Massachusetts - route 1 has been closed all day due to a mud-slide.  But tomorrow the sun is going to come out again - brightness, dazzling warmth, the life in everything!

My 7th and 8th grade classes are in Montreal, so I had some free periods today, and had to substitute a 6th grade class in one of them.  They are so sweet, so little.  Two of them had fake moustaches on, and you could suddenly see the men in those little boys.  Funny how you grow up wanting all the time to be big, to be a grownup, and then when you are finally an adult, you realise that it's not all it's cut out to be.  Too many worries, when you're big, aren't there?

So here's my self-portrait which turned out to have a long neck, which is something I've always wanted, but you don't always get what you wish for.  But you get some other lovely things which make up for the short neck.  I am grateful to "god or whatever means the good" (courtesy of Louis MacNeice) for my blessings every day.

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