It is officially the first day of Spring today! My brother used to always recite a weird little poem about Spring, which is apparently from Brooklyn, New York, and it goes like this:
Der Spring is sprung,
Der grass is riz,
I wonder where der boidies is?
Der little boids is on da wing,
Ain't dat absoid?
Der little wings is on da boid.
I ran 1.8 miles today in the heat of the sun. It was so hot and sticky and watching-out-for-ticks weather. It was 71F (21.6C) today, and I could feel the heat ascending from the hot dry grass as I ran around the meadow. What will I do in real summer? The reason I love running there is because it is so private. I don't really want to run on the beach where everyone sees you and you have to greet people you know.
I sweated a lot today because of the heat. Generally I am not a big sweater, it doesn't run in our family. The whole sweat mechanism is phenomenal - when we're hot we sweat, and the breeze floats by and the sweat evaporates on the breeze and some of your heat leaves with the sweat, the skin as a result becomes cool. The same basic theory is used in keeping a fridge cool, except that the vapor is recycled in a fridge, whereas once sweat evaporates it is gone. I still remember my dad, a refrigeration and air-conditioning engineer, teaching me this, in his very patient way with me. He was cantankerous and impatient with everyone else, but with his own children he was always good at explaining how things work.

My sole is this kind of weird wedge with little round peas at one end. But wait, this slab contains 26 bones, a quarter of all the bones in the human body, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles. The foot is a wonder of support, balance and mobility!
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