Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 76

Tim photographing the raging Ipswich river this evening.  He wanted to go on to the footbridge at the right of the picture, but it was closed to the public.  The power of the water was wonderful/frightening to watch and awe-inspiring, the river has broken wide its banks and swept through buildings and basements. 

We humans think we are the masters of the universe, but a major flood or a tree-downing gale can completely ravage what we have built.  It rained for 3 days and the roads are full of potholes all of a sudden. 

This evening everyone and his dog was out looking at the swollen river, such a fascination fast-moving water has for all of us.  You can stare at it and lose yourself.

This morning I took the boys to school and on the way back stopped and parked the car on the side of our little country road, to take photographs of the frosty fields near our house.  There is a man I often see riding along Southern Ave on his bicycle, I don't even think he possesses a car as he even carries shopping bags on his bike.  He rode past me this morning, looking carefully at me as he went by, and then crossed over and started back along the road towards me, where I was walking back to my car.  I waited politely to see what he wanted to say to me, which was, "Do you require any assistance?".  Such a formal way of talking!  I told him I was fine, just enjoying the beautiful morning, and he responded, "Yes, isn't it?"  So kind of him to stop.  I came home and told Stephen, "This is what I love about America, you stop on the side of the road and someone asks if you need help, and then passes the time of day with you in a courteous fashion.  He doesn't  rape and murder you and then steal your car!"

My self-portrait today is my running shadow.  I am very tired tonight, after a full full day!  I'm so looking forward to my bed!  We ran 2.18 miles (3.5km) in about half an hour, although I forgot to time myself again!

It looks as though I have this big belly-button, reminds me of those ancient Cycladic Venus figurines.


  1. This reminds me of a time when I was 19 and had moved (briefly) to Amish country outside of Lancaster, PA.

    I was driving home from the store one evening when I was hit by a car. The driver was drunk and had left the scene. The car behind him followed the driver home and came back to me with the plate number and his home address.

    Another driver stopped got out and looked at me shaking (I was a hot mess to say the least). He said you must need a hug and gave me a very sweet embrace. He stayed with me until the police arrive (1/2 hour later).

    Needless to say this one the beginning of the end for my sweet car - it also sealed the deal on my nickname crash, not that the accident was my fault.

    My Mother eluded to this on my Flickr page which gave Tim much delight in that nickname. Me, not so much.
