Such beautiful clouds this afternoon, and a strong wind ploughing them through the sky.
This morning on my run it was a groundhog's wedding, the phrase I have made up to describe the weather when the sun is vaguely shining and it is simultaneously snowing or sleeting! (It was sleeting, just a little) In South Africa when it rains and the sun shines at the same time we call it a monkeys' wedding, and children exclaim at the magical idea of monkeys getting married in the sunny rain, and often there is a rainbow. But no one knows that expression here.
I haven't run for three days so my first circuit was pathetic, but then my legs and lungs rallied and I ran 2.46 miles (3.95km) in about 40 minutes. Maybe 45. It is amazing how you can push yourself to go on running, when you think that you can't do it, you probably can. I congratulate my lungs for breathing their way through these runs, even though they are "irreparably damaged" according to the pulmonologist, from poor treatment of asthma when I was a little girl. It wasn't anyone's fault, the doctors did the best they could then, there just wasn't good treatment to be had, no one had invented it yet.
This afternoon I fetched the boys from school to take them to their work as swimming instructors at the 'Y', and on the way we were driving behind a small truck. The back was full of leaves covered by a tarpaulin which was not tied down properly, so it was flapping merrily and as the wind gusted, clusters of leaves escaped their dark space, flying out and up into the air and briefly becoming birds...
Sounds like you are connecting to the earth again. Better not let those boys know. LOL!