Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4

The run
Have to teach on Mondays and Tuesdays, kind of forgot that when I made the resolution.  Some Mondays I am able to run, as I only have to be at school by 9.45, but mostly I am in a flat spin by the time I have to leave for school. 

Today I was feeding all the animals, epileptic dog with special dietary needs, geriatric piggy (guinea-pig), ancient cat with partial dementia, and then the troop of 10 - 15 bluejays who wait noisily for their morning peanuts, and all the meeker birds, the cheerful chickadees, the tame downy woodpecker couple, the beautiful-against-the-snow cardinals, the dark-eyed juncoes with their little snowy tummies, the hyperactive nuthatches and the graceful tufted titmouses (just sounds better than 'mice'), when Matthew phoned to ask me if I could drop off his Biology book which contained all the enormous homework packet he had done over the Christmas break! 

So I just ran up to the beehives, threw the ball for Molly a few times, urged her to do her business and then ran back and rushed off to school.  But here is an amazing image from yesterday, a hanging mobile of snow!

The self-portrait

Home late after a lovely day at school, but tired, one always has to get used to working again after a holiday.  Then there's the ecstatic dog to take out in the cold crunchy snow, supper to make, husband to commiserate with over work he has had to bring home, boys to have conversations with,  the skinny old cat to reassure with affection, washing up because our dishwasher broke at Thanksgiving and everyone else has too much work to do...  So I  thought I would just make a quick collage, which took a bit longer than I had anticipated, but  lovely to work with such pretty colored paper.  It is meant to be me whistling, not really very successful, but it's done, at least, now for bed!

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