Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9

 2.91km - sunshine and cold 20F (-7C)   Running past the place where I fell a couple of days ago, I noticed a sharp branch poking out just after my face-print in the snow. I must have landed a couple of millimeters from it, and it made me wonder how many times we elude death throughout the course of our lives.  Tim was using the snow-blower in the street just outside our driveway entrance the other day and we were all shovelling further up the hill, when I saw a snow-plough coming past and noticed with horror how it almost ALMOST got him, nearly took him out, he had not noticed it coming and I don't think it saw him until the last minute.  It is not only cats who have 9 lives! 

Molly bounds with such limitless energy, I wished today for 4 legs instead of my 2, she bounces along with a constant spring, while I plod on relentlessly, with difficulty, with struggle, with not much grace at all.  Perhaps it would be nice to be a dog, but I always thought how much I would miss reading.

This evening was my ECBA (Essex County Beekeepers' Association) meeting, where I am the recording secretary, which means that I have to take minutes and produce the monthly newsletter, called Beeline.  So I have done a self-portrait as a bee.  A queen bee.

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